The demo 2.0 has been out for about a month and we’ve collected important opinions and bug reports.
Soon we’ll be releasing the updated demo version 2.1 that has all reported bugs fixed and a great new feature that improves navigability quite a lot.
Here’s a preview of this feature:
We’ll take a better look at it on its release, but for now let me say that it’s a big step forward.
In the meantime we wanted to share some content about the new class.
New Class Reveal: the Ninja
The ninja is the fourth class coming to BioSynth: Rising.
It’s an agile and elusive killer who uses melee weapons and some ranged white arms/utilities.
Since the ninja mainly uses melee weapons, they have to be good at closing the distance with their target… that’s where a few of their skills will come in hand.
Not sure when this new class will be playable, since we have to take care of a few important priorities first.
But we’ll keep you updated 🙂
And finally, a reminder to follow the Kickstarter and share it: by spreading the news about BioSynth, we’ll be able to produce better and better content for the game.
Talk soon!